This Might Be A Podcast

This Might Be A Podcast is a song by song podcast about They Might Be Giants, hosted by Greg Simpson.

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Saturday Jun 13, 2020

It's a covers only episode! You'll remember that last July in Chicago, Spencer Parks, Rachel Jones, Bob Nanna, Marcus Nuccio and I did a LIVE episode on Birdhouse in Your Soul. Covers sections don't work well in front of a crowd, but I figured it would be a shame to not curate and talk about a selection of Birdhouse covers since there is such a wealth to choose from! So Spencer and Rachel join me once again and we each pick and discuss our top 3 Birdhouse covers, with some honorable mentions as well.

Thursday Jun 11, 2020

Gareth Lyons from Dublin, Ireland makes his first appearance on the show and boy does he get his money's worth, with an episode on I'm Impressed that clocks in as the second longest episode of the show to date. Be prepared for some political discussion that this song inspires, as well as chit chat about other great bands before the extensive dissection of the song and a fantastic smattering of covers.

Thursday Jun 04, 2020

First time guest Bry Moroz visits the show to talk about the Apollo 18 banger Which Describes How You're Feeling. They discuss the demo version, crazy old drum machines, non-stop lyrics and general Linnell awesomeness.

Thursday Jun 04, 2020

Punk Till I Die is another show on the network, hosted by Greg's friends Tom Crandle and Neil McDougall. "Long time PunkNews producer and contributor Greg Simpson joins to chat about what he's been up to recently, especially his facebook tournaments of bands. With music by Bad Brains, Minor Threat, Social Unrest, Dead Kennedys, D.I. and Articles of Faith." It's a fun and spirited discussion by a bunch of old punks. Subscribe by searching Punknews or Punk Till I Die on any podcast platform.

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020

I promised my amazing Patreon subscriber friends that when I reached a certain amount of subscriptions I would throw a PARTY via video call for all of us Patrons to shoot the breeze with each other about anything TMBG. On this 3rd party we've got Becca Ganey of Boston and two international Patreon subscribers, Coleman Hegarty of Ireland and Maciej Taubert of Poland. TMBP 'round the world, baby! Listen in to the VIPs as we talk about the success of TMBG at preserving a fanbase through generations and how they have attained one of the broadest age range of any rock bands' fanbase.

Wednesday May 27, 2020

Kurt and Denise Schiller of the Parents Just Don't Understand podcast come on the show to complete our crossover and they picked one of the greatest TMBG kids songs, I Am A Paleontologist. Many props are given to Danny Weinkauf throughout the episode as we dissect what makes this a perfect kids song, and we find a lot of charming covers including one by Greg's 1st graders from earlier this spring.

Saturday May 23, 2020

Greg talks with Lesley Gouger, Dyana Claytor, Tara Trate and Acey Jane about their TMBG tattoos and the stories behind them. Also, Hanson comes up a lot for some reason and Greg contemplates the design of his upcoming full face tattoo.

Thursday May 21, 2020

First time, long- waiting guest Harley Rowan joins Greg to talk about the sleeper hit Flans song This Microphone. Lots of great conversation and a live on- air cover make for a fun episode.

Tuesday May 19, 2020

Adam Rivera joins Greg to talk about the amazing Glean song Unpronounceable, and also to promote a big TMBG tribute Kickstarter project he is putting together. Much love to all our cover artists in the community! Listen to us get glitchy and talk about complicated studio trickery.

Thursday May 14, 2020

Greg breaks quarantine and flies to Germany (jk because this podcast makes a lot of money haha) to talk to Noah Daniel about the deep cut Whole Lot of Glean. We talk about the uniqueness of this song as a promoptional song NOT on the album Glean, we do an improve guitar jam live on air, and Noah covers the song.

℗ & © 2022 Greg Simpson

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